At Cockfield Primary School, physical education is a fundamental part of our curriculum that is inclusive and engages all pupils, no matter what their ability or interests. Children develop the knowledge, skills and ability to excel in a broad range of sports and physical activities. We aim to deliver high-quality teaching and learning opportunities that enables all children to achieve their personal best and develop and maintain a love of physical education.
Children participate in competitive sport and we always teach them to try their best and display good sportsmanship. We aim for all children to be physically active for sustained periods of time and be able to make informed decisions to lead healthy and active lives. The PE curriculum is complemented by a range of opportunities such as external clubs and forest school. Our curriculum gives the children at Cockfield Primary School the opportunity to develop their love of physical education, maintain a healthy lifestyle and experience a wide range of sporting opportunities in order to prepare them for secondary education and beyond.
Teaching of PE in Early Years:
Pupils within EYFS undertake dally physical exercise within a specialised external play area, including our recently built playground equipment and our new Forest Schools area. Each morning the children take part In GoNoodle and they also have use of the school hall for structured activities at least twice a week. Cross curricular links enable PE activities to take place during literacy and moths.
Teaching PE in Key Stage 1 and 2:
Teaching of PE in Early Years:
Pupils within EYFS undertake dally physical exercise within a specialised external play area, including our recently built playground equipment and our new Forest Schools area. Each morning the children take part In GoNoodle and they also have use of the school hall for structured activities at least twice a week. Cross curricular links enable PE activities to take place during literacy and maths.
Teaching PE in Key Stage 1 and 2:
All pupils from Year 1 to 6 have at least 2 hours worth of planned physical exercise each week. Children are provided with their full entitlement to Physical Education and teachers ensure that no interventions take place during this time. Cross-curricular links are also generated during Science and PSHE lessons. In addition to this, children are given wider opportunities to build character and embed values through regular teamwork activities, competitive sport and Sports Day.
PE is further supplemented across school through Teach Active. Teach Active is used in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 to promote active learning in maths and English at least once a week, this is to break up the promotion of working in a sedentary way.
Pupils from Year 1 to 6 also have the opportunity for physical activity during morning and lunchtime breaks on one of two well-equipped school yards, stocked with resources. Staff and Sports Leaders are on duty to co-ordinate a range of active playground games.
Key Stage 2 children attend a weekly swimming lesson at Teesdale Leisure Centre.
Class 4 take part in biannual residential trip in which they undertake a series of physical and challenging activities, including: assault course; mid-ropes to high wires; climbing wall; tree climb.
During the Summer term all children take part in Sports Day which is a chance to use the skills which children have developed through taking part in traditional sporting activities. Children race competitively against other pupils in their year group for house points. The house with the most points wins the House Cup!
More able children are identified and offered a range of sporting activities across the year as part of our Sports Partnership with Staindrop Academy. Also, the coach from Staindrop teaches a class per half term in a unit of work which will result in that class taking part in a competition or festival.
The impact of our P.E curriculum is teacher assessed against the progression for skills documents. Teachers record evidence of progress through photographs and videos. Photos are collected each half term and added to the class floor book. Data is then shared with the subject leader and Senior Leadership Team which is analysed in order to monitor the effectiveness of the delivery of P.E. across the school.
Regular verbal feedback is given to children within lessons to praise and motivate children. It also ensures that children are apply the correct technique by reflecting and evaluating on their performance. Children become stewards of their own learning and support peers to continue to improve and excel.
Teachers also use high-quality questioning to develop children’s understanding of the impact of physical activity on their own body (this can be linked to their Science topic of work). As part of our whole school improvement plan, teachers focus on developing children’s subject specific vocabulary.
CPD is provided for all members of staff through our Sports Partnership with Staindrop Academy. Every half term, each teacher receives one session of training per week under the guidance of a secondary P.E coach. Teachers observe good practice and team teach P.E lessons across a range of units of work.
The impact of swimming at Key Stage 2 is measurable through the percentage of children able to swim over 25m. This is assessment by the swimming instructor and teaching staff who quality assure judgements made. The increased competitive nature at sport competitions and sporting achievements also reflects the impact of our school’s delivery of PESSPA.
Our school continually strives towards reaching the Active30 Award through integrating physical activity across other subjects such as Teach Active. The impact of PESSPA can be seen through children’s increase in confidence, resilience and concentration during lesson time. The number of children taking part in physically active after school clubs both inside and outside is also a reflection of the effectiveness of our P.E curriculum.
Through the Physical Education Action Plan, Governors’ Reports and pupil voice regular reviews are made by the subject leader and Senior Leadership Team to explore the impact of any improvement initiatives.
PE Curriculum
Cockfield Primary School Statement for Physical Education and Sport
Cockfield Primary school have participated in the Sainsbury’s School Games.
You can find out about our achievement by visiting the Sainsbury’s School Games website.