Our school uniform is an ‘active uniform’ย which means that pupils are able to make the most of active times throughout the school day, whether it be during break times in during lesson times.
Details of our uniform and where is can be purchased are included in our Uniform Policy
Our School Uniform consists of the following:
- Red jumper, cardigan or sweatshirt
- Plain white or red polo shirt
- Plain grey or black tracksuit bottoms
- Plain grey or black leggings
- Plain grey or black sports shorts or legging shorts
- Plain grey or black skirt or trousers
- Plain black trainers – with Velcro straps if your child cannot tie their laces yet
If you want to order branded uniform then please visit https://totstoteams.com/schools/cockfield-primary-school alternatively you can purchase uniform from high street shops or supermarkets
It is important that clothing is not branded because we want all children to feel comfortable attending school and brands can make children feel ‘competitive’ about how their clothes compare to others.
Please make sure that all uniform is labelled with your child’s name – we have an awful lot of red jumpers in school on any one day and finding lost ones can be very tricky!

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