Welcome to Class 2
Our Class 2 (Year 1 and Year 2) teachers are Mrs Gregson and Mrs Kipling.

Miss Britton and Miss Flynn work with us to support us in our learning.

Miss Britton

Miss Flynn
Class 2 is a great place to be because this is where we really make lots of progress. We learn to read whole texts and we also learn to use our maths in every day contexts to start to solve problems and we work with much more fluency. Don’t tell anyone else, but this is the best place to be at Cockfield Primary School!
In Year 1 we are busy learning all of the different phonics sounds which link to different combinations of letters. English is a complex language!!! At the end of Year 1 we take part in the Government’s Phonics Screening assessment – this gives us the chance to show all that we have learnt! If we need a bit more practice then we keep learning phonics skills in Year 2 and take the assessment again in Year 2.